Retargetly is the largest independent Data Stack company in Latin America. They approached us with the need of a new identity fitting for their plans of global recognition.
Focusing on brand identity at the core of the project, the main idea was to establish a clear direction for the company’s intentions. In order to discover what they wanted their brand to look like, first we needed to define what was the brand at it’s core. We’ve worked closely with Retargetly’s team to achive an identity that was truly theirs in focus groups that made everyone a part of the new identiy.
Once the main drafts for the brand were drawn, we invited the whole Retargetly team to make their own version for the logo, and also create a tagline for the brand that was truly at the heart of what Retargetly stands for. Not too technical, not to intangible, that was our goal. At the end of the exercise we’ve made and established the main concept: